What is Nothing Something Sandwich?

A symposium dedicated to the cultivation of spontaneous occurrences and multifarious forms of communication, cooperation and presence.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vR7qnd-E-cM&feature=email (if the sounds comes on, turn it off FAST! SILENCE!)

1 comment:

  1. not a bad idea... let's do it! crawl for an hour. crawling is a critical step to an infants development, before they walk, run, and fly. it's the cross-crawl, meaning, right leg up, left arm up, then, right arm up, left leg up. then we got mobility, exploring space. this cross-lateral movement occurs in the brain as well, crossing hemispheres up there, developing a better brain. it is thought that the longer you crawl the greater ability you have to learn. -eh


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