Manuscript minutes from a recent mini-symposium on the development of the word IDEA as an acronym:
A Transcription:
Illusionist Drawings Erased in favor of Abstraction
Ill-fated Deacons' Elaboration Area
"Interesting" Derogatory Exclamation Artifacts
Itinerant Doormen's Elevator Appropriations
Inescapable Dread Ecclesiastical Abbey
I Don't Expect Anything
Inferior Delegates of Experimental Art
Insane Domain of Ego Alteration
In(-)Delible Elevation to the Angelic
Ignominious Detour Entering Anarchy
Illicit Dreams Eliciting Answers
Illegitimate Duty Encoders of America
Icky Dung Emits Aroma
Interior Denial Excitedly Applied
Icthyologist Debunkers of Evil and Absolutism
Itchy Doris Eats Ass
Illiterates Don't Earn Anything
Internet Dialoguers Exploring in Absentia
I'm Dealing with Existential Angst
Islamic Dependence Emotion Actualizers
Island Dwellers Entering Asheville
International Delegates for Evolutionary Agriculture
Incremental Decline toward Elemental Asininity
Inverted Descriptions of Excrement and Allegory
Imported Denizens of Elemental Anarchism
Impractical Dreams of Escape to Antwerp
Additional IDEAs:
Invisible Dead Elements of Anguish
Intelligence Department of the Exosocial Association
Immaterial Doctors for Ego Amelioration
Ill-Drawn Ears of Albania
Inglorious Drawlers' Entropic Atoll
Incontinent Drinkers Entreating Atilla
Iseult's Drunken Escapades Allowance
Please add the name of a group, organization, restricted zone, punk band, civic improvement goal, etcetera that either stands on its own or that might look good on a badge or a piece of letterhead above the words Benevolent Society or Action Committee.
All IDEAs welcome.
Please add the name of a group, organization, restricted zone, punk band, civic improvement goal, etcetera that either stands on its own or that might look good on a badge or a piece of letterhead above the words Benevolent Society or Action Committee.
All IDEAs welcome.
Itinerant Dreamers Entering Association - variation on earlier submissions.