What is Nothing Something Sandwich?

A symposium dedicated to the cultivation of spontaneous occurrences and multifarious forms of communication, cooperation and presence.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

here is a dream that someone had. not me, but the co-worker of my friend, as told to my friend, and retold by me:

someone, a girl in the studio, had an accident and lost the last three fingers of her hand - pinky, ring finger, middle finger. the accident was not part of the dream but occurred before the beginning of the dream. i imagine that it was the left hand.

the doctor grafted onto her hand a plant - like three fingers of an aloe plant, a succulent, except for instead of three separate fingers they were attached to each other like a baseball mitt... a little oversized, soft and fleshy like cactus, thick, pale green skin with a cool smooth surface.

when she flexed her hand or waved her fingers, the new fingers moved like slower versions of the lost fingers. they were connected to the brain, but with plant nerves, and so they moved a little more slowly, like seaweed in water.

now i'm thinking about trees extending out of people. or how it would be to have plant parts that respond to the brain the way an arm does. and having body parts like leaf eyelids.


  1. 0 comments. 0 comments. i will now go back and comment on everything.

  2. I thought that each posted image or text was a comment about the previous post....

  3. instructions went awry in the post. or were never sent. or do not exist. or do not exist yet. or are being ignored, rearranged, commented on.


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